
The pharmaceuticals sector is rather wide and covers all organic and biological medical items. The pharmaceutical sector is one of the world’s most rapidly growing sectors. There is a very competitive pharmaceutical sector and this industry ‘s tremendous opportunity is to be acknowledged.
GMCI offer a range of raw material chemicals and minerals to choose from, so that we can precisely align the best approach with the specifications of our customers. Talc, Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Kaolin, Calcium Sulphate, Hydrated Lime, Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda), Titanium Dioxide is produced according to international regulatory standards under clean and controlled conditions of manufacture.
Our top priority is consistently high quality, not just because pharmaceutical manufacturing is subject to strict regulations. Our own stringent internal standards are also in place. All our minerals are processed in accordance with management systems licensed or in line with the universal quality control standard ISO 9001. This helps them to monitor output around the sector and to adapt new technology and services that satisfy the growing demands of the customers we represent. Trusted in our capabilities & services, we aim to become reliable & chosen suppliers to customers. Our integration of expertise and experience is unmatched in the industry.
Get more information and advice from our team of experts.