LIMESTONE is sedimentary calcareous rock, made of natural calcite (CaCO3), which is lime (CaO) for commercial purposes after calcination. Much of it is later deposited as a calcareous in solution in sea water. As the internal state of the water improves, calcium carbonate is precipitated. For example, if CaCO3 rates are large, precipitation will result from a drop-in temperature or a shift in pH (acidity).

The essence of the limestone bed indicates differing purity, with magnesium leading to magnesium claystone or dolomitic limestone typically substituting for some of the calcium molecules. Calcareous dolomite is called calcareous dolomite calcite with more than 10 percent, and magnesium calcareous with 5 to 10 percent. It is coloured grey and easily removed in lumps. CaCO3 is accessible in grades from 92 to 96 percent.

More than 95% of calcium carbonate is known as high calcium limestone rock. Calcium recrystallized is well polished and used as a stone for decoration and construction. And it’s classified as “marble.”

We provide superior quality of Limestone which is available to our customers in various thickness and dimensions as demanded by the customers.

Physical Properties
  • Quicklime and slaked lime
  • Soil conditioner
  • Solid base for many roads
  • Suppression of methane explosions
  • Calcium supplement for poultry
  • Increasing the alkalinity of purified water
  • Extracting iron
  • Rubber
  • Paints
  • Ceramic Industries
  • Plastic
  • Soap & Detergents
  • Mosaic Tiles
  • Paper Mill
  • Welding Electrode
  • Fertilizer & other industries

Please work with your salesperson for help in selecting the right product(s).

Limestone/ Calcium Carbonate/ Calcite
Calcium Carbonate  CaCO 92% 94% 96%
Mesh (BSS) Lumps / Powder Lumps / Powder Lumps / Powder

Available In: Lumps/ Powder/ Chips


*Detailed specification can be given on request.

To learn how our limestone can benefit your end product, please contact our local technical sales team to discuss further.

We provide a wide range of custom-made formulation and Technical / Process support services to help you fit the correct grade to your product specifications.
